This makes bartering with them essentially useless unless you happen to be stopping home to conduct some sort of business. Unfortunately, you may not barter items with spouses while they’re your follower-more specifically, they do not have money or decent items away from the homestead.
Mjoll also acts as a tank in combat allowing you to do your own thing while enemies attack her. This means you cannot accidentally kill her. What truly sets Mjoll apart from other followers, though, is the fact that she is an essential NPC. On top of these benefits, certain spouses like Mjoll are available as followers, which makes them walking, talking sources of revenue. Your spouse will open a shop, allowing you to barter, and this will also rack you 100 gold per day.The Lover's Comfort bonus increases skills experience by 15% after sleeping near your spouse.One homecooked meal per day, which regenerates health, stamina, and magicka by 25 per second for 600 seconds.